Thursday, January 18, 2007

Spring Cleaning?

It's that time of year again. Two of my four children were born in January and February and somehow I always get this "nesting" feeling this time of year. I just seem to have the need to organize my space but I don't know what I think I am making room for because there is certainly no baby on the way. Too bad I didn't have each of the four children in different seasons!
The only problem with this cleaning bug that has infected me is trying to figure out what is "keepable" and what is not. Some things are obvious but others require way too much thought. I also realize that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is never more true than when you are cleaning out a closet or a drawer and some of the stuff is much more beautiful to the people who live with you than it is to you. The idea of a professional organizer is certainly appealing but I think I will go attack another area!

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